Children's Ministry
At Philipsburg Nazarene we care about the children of our community! Here is a list of activities available for your children. All of our workers have all required clearances.
Children's Bible Quizzing
Meets every Sunday night from August to April @ 6pm. Children in 1st through 6th grade study a book of the Bible throughout the quiz year. Three times a year, our children join other kids from across Western PA in a Bible Quiz competition.
Children's Sunday School
Meets every Sunday Morning @ 9:30am in Room 103. All children through 6th grade are welcome!
Children's Church
Is available to all kids Pre-K through 6th grade. Children are dismissed after the offering during our Sunday Morning Worship service. All children must have a Permission to Pick Up form on file with our Children's Ministry workers.
Sunday Morning Worship
Our children are given many ways to be involved in our Sunday Morning Worship service. They help as ushers, quote Bible verses, and sing specials!